詳細・申込み Event Detail & Registration

Tohoku University Professional Development Seminar for Language Teachers 2019


日時:2019/03/24 Sun. 14:00~17:20
場所:Room C101, Lecture Building C, Kawauchi-Kita campus, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY 東北大学川内北キャンパス 講義棟C101

The objectives of which are to promote collaboration in all levels of English education in Japan, primary schools to universities, as well as to engage in a dialogue about current issues in language teaching and language teacher education. Please come join us.


Program (Language: English)

14:00-14:10 Opening Remarks/開会挨拶
Vice President, Masahiro Yamaguchi/副学長 山口 昌弘
(Tohoku University/東北大学)

14:10-14:50 Workshop 1/ワークショップ 1
“SMART activities for elementary school classrooms”
English Instructor, Andy Lankshear/教諭 アンディ・ランクシアー
(Koriyama Xaverio Gakuen/郡山ザベリオ学園小学校)

14:50-15:30 Workshop 2/ワークショップ 2
“Unlocking clues to new ways of teaching in secondary schools”
Associate Professor, Takaaki Hiratsuka/ 准教授 平塚 貴晶
(Tohoku University/東北大学)

15:50-16:30 Workshop 3 /ワークショップ 3
“Nurturing Global Citizens at Higher Education”
Associate Professor, ELA, Masuko Miyahara/リベラルアーツ英語プログラム 准教授 宮原 万寿子
(International Christian University/国際基督教大学)

16:30-17:20 Panel Discussion/パネルディスカッション
“Current issues in language teaching and language teacher education”


TEL. 022-795-7551 E-mail. ieheoffice[a]ihe.tohoku.ac.jp

参照ファイル Reference File

お申し込み Registration Form

氏名 Name  必須 *Compulsory
ふりがな Verify Name 必須 *Compulsory
所属機関 Institution 必須 *Compulsory
部局・部署 Faculty(Department) 必須 *Compulsory
職名(学年) Occupation, Title/Academic Grade 必須 *Compulsory
メールアドレス Email 必須 *Compulsory
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