

○原稿提出期限  20221013日(木【厳守】

  • 投稿予定の方は 715日(金までに、下記フォームより必要事項をご入力のうえエントリーください。









  • 詳細は,「投稿要領」、「執筆要領」を参照ください。
  • 原稿テンプレートおよび投稿票は、エントリーされた方に8月上旬にご案内します。



Call for papers for Bulletin of IEHE Vol.9

Please make sure that the eligibility for applicants.

<The eligibility for applicants>

1) Faculty members and researchers affiliated with of the Institute for Excellence in Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as the “Institute”).

2) Former faculty members and researchers affiliated with of the Institute. In such cases, the content of manuscripts must be related to the educational practice and research during their tenure in the Institute.

3) Graduate students of Tohoku University that faculty members or researchers (as stipulated in 1) and 2) above) supervise.

4) Researchers engaging in joint research with faculty members of the Institute. In such cases, the content of manuscripts must be related to the results of the joint research or the educational practice and research at Tohoku University.

5) Honorary professors.

6) Full-time faculty members affiliated with the other institutions of Tohoku University than the Institute (the departments, the graduate schools, the research centers, etc.).

7) Report on the project supported by the 2021 or 2022 grant-in-aid for the development and advancement of higher education (individual application)

If you are interested in posting your papers, please access below website and fill out your information for registration. Registration must be made by Friday, July 15th. “No entry, No accepted!”

  • The manuscript template and submission sheet will be announced to the person who entered in early August.

※We set the deadline of the papers for Bulletin Vol.9 on Thursday, October 13th, 2022.

We’re looking forward to your entry.

Guidelines for the Contribution

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation


東北大学高度教養教育・学生支援機構運営サポート室(担当: 鎌田)
E-mail:ieheoffice[a]grp.tohoku.ac.jp ※[a]を@に置き換えてください。
TEL:022-795-7551 FAX:022-795-7647

猪股 歳之
E-mail:toshiyuki.inomata.b2[a]tohoku.ac.jp ※[a]を@に置き換えてください。