詳細・申込み Event Detail & Registration

【PDP】 Seminar on "University Globalization - How Japanese Education/Employment Systems are Different from Other Countries"

教育関係共同利用拠点提供プログラム  大学教員論 L-02

日時:2012年7月6日(金) 13:00-17:50
場所:東北大学片平キャンパス ナノ・スピン総合研究棟4階

This seminar intends to find out the root cause(s) of the current weak Japan by focusing on the differences between Japanese university education and employment systems from to other countries. The invited four foreign speakers got their Ph.Ds in their countries or in Japan and have been working in Japan more than 5 (five) years. They know good and bad aspects of Japanese education and employment systems compared with those in their own countries. We also have a GLOBAL Japanese comment on the current Japan from GLOBAL perspective to hint a future way of Japan and a Japanese well experienced successfully in R&D and business in Japan and overseas. Through this Seminar, we will understand where we now, what the issues are and the ways to resolve them that will be vital for Japan to lead the world again.


13:00-13:10 Opening Remarks
(1)Korea: Dr. C. W. Pyo (NICT)
"Korea's Education and Employment Systems, and Suggestions to Japan"
(2)China: Dr. Zhou Lan (NICT)
"China's Education and Employment Systems, and Suggestions to Japan"
(3)The Netherlands & India: Dr. Anand Prasad (NEC)
"Netherlands' and India's Education and Employment Systems, and Suggestions to Japan"
(4)Canada: Tuncer Baykas (NICT)
"Canada's Education and Employment Systems, and Suggestions to Japan"

15:10-15:30 Coffee break

(5)Japan: Mr. Kiyotaka Ogata (Gemalto)
"Global Perspective on the Current Weak Japan"
(6)USA: Prof. Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
"USA's Education and Employment Systems, and Suggestions to Japan"

16:30-17:45 Panel Discussion
"The Differences - good or bad? How Japanese Problems are solved"

17:45-17:50 Closing Remarks

☆Reception (18:00-19:30)
Fee: 1000JPY (Free for students)

Ms. Naomi Aizawa(相澤なおみ)
tel: 022-217-5477
Email: katolab@riec.tohoku.ac.jp
