詳細・申込み Event Detail & Registration

第19 回東北大学高等教育国際セミナー「経済先進国における学生の流動性とは」
"Incoming and Outgoing Student Mobility - The Varied Views and Policies in Economically Advanced Countries".

教育関係共同利用拠点提供プログラム  高等教育論 L-01

日時:2012 年9 月18 日(火)15:00 ~ 17:00


Ulrich Teichler, born 1942, since 1978 (full) professor at the International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel
and at the Department for Social Sciences of the University of Kassel. He was Director of the International Centre for
Higher Education Research Kassel for altogether 16 years. He ha s also worked in several international universities
including the Northwestern University, the United States, Colle ge of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, Hiroshima University,
Japan, and the Open University, the United Kingdom, in addition to other temporary teaching assignments and research
work in various countries worldwide. His key research areas are higher education and the world of work, international
comparison of higher education systems, and international cooperation and mobility in higher education.

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