詳細・申込み Event Detail & Registration

第20回 正午PD会「B2 英語コミュニケーション」カリキュラムにおけるプレゼンテーションとディスカッションスキルの統合~21世紀のグローバルな舞台での 活躍のために~


場所:東北大学 川内北キャンパス 川北合同研究棟 CAHEラウンジ (101号室)

発表:Richard MERES 講師

Certain “global competencies” are necessary for today’s university graduates when entering an increasingly interconnected and diverse work environment. A simple mastery of English language knowledge and skills is unlikely to be sufficient to meet the challenges facing language learners who are entering a 21st century global workplace. Students must learn how to transfer the database of English knowledge and skills to new and challenging contexts.
One step in helping English language learners make the jump from English “knowledge and skills” to “global competencies” is the addition of a presentation and discussion skills database. It is my goal to integrate various lectures, workshops and activities into the B2 English Communication curriculum that encourage learners to start building an infrastructure of “communicative resourcefulness”. The general emphasis is on body control, energy, poise, and especially rhythm.


問い合わせ先 :高度教養教育・学生支援機構 学際融合教育推進センター 芳賀満

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