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【講師】Paul Kei Matsuda教授 (アリゾナ州立大学)
Writing is challenging both for the teacher and students. One of the major reasons is that, in many classrooms, we still follow the 1960s, building-block view of writing instruction that starts with the sentence and gradually build up to the paragraph and then to the larger discourse. Writing is not just the sum of its parts; it is an act of meaning making that takes place in a social context and it needs to be conceptualized and treated as such. In this lecture, an expert writing teacher-researcher of writing will discuss how to teach and assess writing as a meaning act of communication by focusing on the construction of the writing prompt.
主催:東北大学高度教養教育・学生支援機構 言語・文化教育センター
【問い合わせ】菅谷奈津恵 sugaya[a]m.tohoku.ac.jp