詳細・申込み Event Detail & Registration

Higher Education in Spain: features, organization and challenges within the European Higher Education Area


場所:東北大学川内北キャンパス 川北合同研究棟101ラウンジ

発表:Gabriel Hervas Nicolas(ガブリエル・エルバス・ニコラス)助教
   バルセロナ大学 教授学習教育組織学部
   (高度教養教育・学生支援機構 客員研究員)
使用言語: 英語

The Bologna Process —the European reform process to constitute a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) — has had a deep impact into the structure of the Spanish Higher Education system. In a few years, several changes had been introduced, affecting from the design of the degrees to the teaching-learning approaches. This seminar introduces the situation, features and challenges of Higher Education in Spain (stressing its integration within the EHEA and the broader Spanish education system), with the aim of offering a standpoint to understand, analyze, discuss and compare it with other educational contexts. 


問い合わせ先:学際融合教育推進センター 中川 学

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