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国際ワークショップ Assessment 2.0 ~教員と学生にとってのより「真正」な経験へ~

 教授技術論 L-04

日時:2010.8.23 (mon) 15:00~17:00
場所:東北大学 川内北キャンパス 教育・学生支援部 管理棟3F 大会議室

This presentation will explore some of the options that are available to teachers as we move towards Assessment 2.0. Many teachers will be familiar with the term Web 2.0 which describes the social, interactive and collaborative spaces that are available on the Internet. Assessment 2.0 describes an environment in which the teacher sets tasks that allow students to use these more dynamic, immersive, interactive and responsive environments for exploring and creating relevant responses. Assessment 2.0 allows learning, social interaction and assessment to be blended in a way that provides a more authentic experience for both the student and the teacher.
Assessments will become more like sophisticated games incorporating role-playing and scenarios; they will replicate the real world, allowing students to explore and describe the consequences associated with their responses. We will examine some of the opportunities that are available today to begin this journey towards Assessment 2.0 and explore some of the design principles that will be required to align learning and assessment.

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