Section of Clinical Education


The Section of Clinical Education is mainly composed of faculty members in charge of duties at the Center for Counseling and Disability Services. It is working on the enhancement of student consultation and aid activities with its mission and objective of “supporting students and the university community, enabling students to gain maximum benefit from their university experiences.” The Center for Counseling and Disability Services consists of University Counseling Center (which was established in 1964) and Disability Service Office (which was established in 2014). It has been prioritizing the counseling of students with problems in university life, support activities for students with physical and development disabilities, and environmental improvement. The major activities of this section are given below. 


(1)  Consultation and aid activities:
Both directly and indirectly supporting student growth through counseling for students and consultation and coordination services for faculty, staff, and families. Also helps related parties improve their abilities to work with students.


(2)  Disability service activities:
It conducts surveys on and developmental practice of support measures for students who require special treatment.


(3)  Preventive, educational, and public-relations activities:
In addition to providing “Introduction to Student Life” as a liberal education subject for students, it also carries out “Student Support Council FD” and holds lectures related to the prevention of harassment and promotion of mental health for staff and faculty members, through which it is able to network with those in charge of student counseling within the university.


(4)  Survey and research activities:
It carries out attitude surveys of new students and research on subjects such as the development of systems to support students with disabilities including developmental disabilities, preventive education, and measures to prevent harassment.


(5)  Contribution to student assistance measures and crisis management:
In addition to providing consultation at the Counseling Room for Harassment, it provides suggestions and advice through on-campus committees, etc.


(6)  University-community partnership:
It provides advice and other services related to student counseling, disability services, and anti-harassment measures to universities across Japan.


[1] Survey and research activities

 1)  Attitude surveys of new students

 2)  Research on development of systems to support students with disabilities in universities

 3)  Research on preventive education

 4)  Clinical psychology research on responses to and intervention in harassment consultations at universities


[2] Educational activities

 1)  A comprehensive subject in liberal education: “Introduction to Student Life”

 2)  A subject on teaching-training in liberal education: “Counseling Psychology II”

 3)  Comprehensive Education Science Course, Graduates School of Education: “Advanced Community Psychology,” “Advanced Community Psychology Practice,” “Advanced Projection Methodology I & II,” “Advanced Psychotherapy I,” and “Advanced Basic Clinical Psychology”


[3] Other initiatives

 1)  Implementation of “Student Support Council FD”

 2)  Implementation of training for staff and faculty members (FD, SD)

 3)  Lectures and public-relations activities during orientation for new students

 4)  Establishment of networks for student counseling and disability services within the university

Chair of Section  Professor

Tadayoshi Ikeda
(Clinical Psychology, Student Counseling)

  Associate Professor

Masao Nakashima
(Clinical Psychology, Student Counseling)

  Senior Assistant Professor

Nanae Kojima
(Clinical psychology , Counseling)

  Senior Assistant Professor

Shuugo Nagatomo
(Clinical Psychology)

  Senior Assistant Professor

Chiyuki Nakaoka
(Clinical Psychology, Student Counseling)

  Appointed Senior Assistant Professor

Daisuke SUZUKI
(Applied Cognitive Psychology, Study of Developmental Disabilities)

  Assistant Professor

Haruki Matsukawa
(Clinical Psychology, Student Counseling)

  Research Associate

Shizuka Sato
(Clinical Psychology)

  Research Associate

(Disability Service Education)


41, Kawauchi, Aobaku, Sendai, 980-8576, Japan

(Center for Counseling and Disability Services, Education and Research Base Support Building 4)