• Center for Institutional Research:CIR

Center for Institutional Research:CIR


(1) Conduct surveys and research on trends in higher education and its practice within and outside of Japan, develop evaluation theories of education and learning, and disseminate the results globally.

(2) Support the realization of sustainable education reform and improvement, and a broad range of student learning activities at our university, through the development and operation of effective systems for data collection, analysis, and provision that aid decision-making on education and learning activities.

(3) Contribute to the establishment of an integrated education management system based on organic collaboration of the school council for educational affairs, the education reform promotion headquarters, the centers of the Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, the departments, and the administrative organizations.


(1) Develop a basic data collection system related to the education and learning activities environment in our university (connected with class evaluation questionnaires, the implementation status of grade evaluations and GPA, and the educational affairs information system).

(2) Advance study into the effects of, and improvement in education quality at Tohoku University, through the systematic design, implementation, and analyses of various surveys including those for new students, graduates, on learning experiences (at undergraduate and postgraduate level), for alumni, on university life, for employers, and for staff and faculty members.

(3) Support effective decision-making and education management, through development and operation of a system for data collection, analysis and provision, in relation to education and learning activities at our university.

Academic Staff



Kazuhiro Sugimoto
(Comparative Education)
Vice Director

Associate Professor

Takeshi Kushimoto
(Higher Education Theory)

Senior Assistant Professor

Hideya Matsukawa
(Educational Technology)


41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576 Japan



General Manager, Education and Student Support Department :

Educational Affairs Division, General Education Planning Section

TEL:022-795-7578 (DI)  FAX:022-795-7555  E-mail:kyom-k[at]grp.tohoku.ac.jp  ※[at]→@