• Global Learning Center :GLC

Global Learning Center: GLC


This center plays a pivotal role in the establishment and execution of Tohoku University’s education internationalization strategy, and the promotion of international exchange activities. By actively recruiting excellent international students, developing and improving education and support programs, developing and executing a variety of outgoing overseas programs, and actively promoting educational internationalization, the center contributes greatly to the fostering of global human resources who possess an international outlook and will fill leadership positions. The center also works to strengthen ties on and off campus, contributes to the construction of the global campus, performs public-relations activities, and promotes ties with the community.


(1) With the aim of establishing and executing the education internationalization strategy, gather information on higher education within and outside of Japan, establish developmental strategies aimed at expanding the international competitiveness and the networks of our university, provide information and make recommendations to the university executive department and other departments. Establish and strengthen relationships and collaboration with influential universities throughout the world including academic exchange agreement partner schools, and implement international exchange activities based on our international strategies.

(2) Develop and support diverse and attractive international programs in order to recruit excellent international students. In addition, improve support for international students (support for academics, daily life, and employment, risk management, consultation and other aspects).

(3) Based on our international strategies, develop high quality outbound overseas programs, support students studying abroad, and improve education and support to accelerate studying abroad.

(4) With the aim of fostering human resources who will fill leadership positions in international society, develop and implement diverse education programs to nurture international intellectual capacity, the ability to take action, language and communication skills, and other aspects.

(5) Strengthen networks on and off campus and contribute to the creation of a global campus. In addition, proactively perform public-relations activities on educational internationalization at our university and widely cooperate with our community.

Academic Staff


Vice President for Education Reform and Global Engagement/ Professor, Graduate School of Science Physics

Masahiro Yamaguchi (Particle Physics)

Vice Director


Kazuko Suematsu
(Intercultural Pedagogy)


Appointed Professor

Yoshitaka Kasukabe
(Particle-Beam Materials Engineering)


Associate Professor

(Social Pedagogy)


Associate Professor

Rumi Watanabe
(Intercultural Education, International Education)


Associate Professor

Yuki Watabe
(Comparative and International Education)


Associate Professor

Xavier DAHAN
(Computer Algebra)


Associate Professor

(Higher Education, Internationalization of Higher Education)


Appointed Associate Professor

Derrick MOTT
(Materials science and nanotechnology)


Appointed Associate Professor

Takeshi KOIKE
(Physics, Nuclear physics)


Appointed Associate Professor

Samy Baladram
(Mathematics and Data Science Education)


Senior Assistant Professor

(Intercultural Education, International Comparative Higher Education )


Appointed Assistant Professor

(Higher Education, Internationalization of Higher Education)

  Research Associate

(Intercultural Education, Internationalization of Higher Education)


Specially Appointed visiting Professor

Yumiko Watanabe
(Earth Science, Astrobiology)

Concurrent Member


Ying Chen

Concurrent Member

Appointed Associate Professor

Yuka Sakamoto
(International Education)

Concurrent Member

Appointed Associate Professor



Specially Appointed visiting
Associate Professor

Reiko Sato


41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576 Japan



General Manager, Education and Student Support Department :

Student Exchange Division, General Affairs Section

TEL:022-795-7776(DI)  FAX:022-795-7826  E-mail:ryugaku[at]grp.tohoku.ac.jp   ※[at]→@