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Institute for Excellence in Higher Educcation

Institute for Excellence in Higher Education (IEHE) Office

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Centers(Office in charge)Location

Center for Institutional Research

Education Affairs Division: General Education Planning Section

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Center for Professional Development

IEHE Office: CPD staff

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Admission Center

Admission Division: Admission Planning and Inquiry Section

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Center for Culture and Language Education

Education Affairs Division: General Education Planning Section

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Global Learning Center

Student Exchange Division: General Affairs Section

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Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Education

Education Affairs Division: Education Affairs Section

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Value Design Education Center


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Center for Learning Support

Education Affairs Division: General Education Operations Section

SLA: Student Learning Adviser


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Center for Career Support

Career Support Office [Kawauchi District]

Innovative Leaders Platform (ILP) Office [Aobayama District]

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Center for Couseling and Disability Services

Counseling Office

Disability Services Office

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Student Health Care Center

Health Administration and Consultation/

Medical Treatment Office


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Center for Services Learning and Extracurricular Activities

Student Services Division: Support Planning Section/

Student Services Division: Activity Support Section


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Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
IEHE Office: Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences staff · · · · · · · · · · ①

Campus Addresses

Kawauchi-Kita Campus: Buildings ❶ to ❿
41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576 Japan

Kawauchi-Minami Campus: Building ⓫
28 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576 Japan

Aobayama Campus: Building ⓬
6-6 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578 Japan




【Kawauchi Campus】

By subway
Take the subway from Sendai Station to Kawauchi Station (6 mins) and exit at South 1 or 2.

By bus
Take the bus for “Kotsu-koen-Junkan via Hirose Dori(739 and S839)”
or “Kotsu-koen/Kawauchi-eigyosho-mae(730)” at the No.15 bus stop
in the area near the #3 South Exit of the Subway.
Get off the bus at the “Kawauchi-ekimae” where is located in front of North Gate of University.

【Aobayama Campus】

By subway
Take the subway from Sendai Station to Aobayama Station (9 mins)and exit at North 1 or South 1.