• Center for Counseling and Disability Services : CCDS

 Center for Counseling and Disability Services: CCDS


Aiming at “supporting students and the university community to enable all students to derive maximum benefit from their experiences at university, in their learning and growth processes,” this center plays a central role in student support as part of university education, and contributes to advancing students’ character building and improving the university’s capacity to support students.


(1) Consultation and aid activities
Individual support for student counselees (including international students), consultation with staff and faculty members and their families, support for exchange among counselees, and other activities.

(2) Disability service activities
Surveys on and development practice of measures for students who require special assistance.

(3) Preventive, educational, and public-relations activities
Preventive education, FD throughout the entire university, public-relations activities such as department orientations, pamphlet distribution, and other activities.

(4) Surveys, research, and educational activities
Research on practical methods for student consultation, disability services and student support activities.

(5) Recommendations on student assistance measures and crisis management, as a university
Suggestions made through on-campus committees, and consultations at the Counseling Room for Harassment.

(6) Partnership with student support activities from other universities and university-community partnership
Lectures at other universities etc., and the implementation of workshops for persons in charge of student counseling and disability services.

Academic Staff

Director Professor

Tadayoshi Ikeda (Clinical Psychology)

Vice Director Associate Professor 

Masao Nakashima
(Clinical Psychology, Student Counseling)

  Senior Assistant Professor

Nanae Kojima (Clinical psychology , Counseling)

  Senior Assistant Professor

Shuugo Nagatomo (Clinical Psychology)

  Senior Assistant Professor

Chiyuki Nakaoka (Clinical Psychology, Student Counseling)

  Appointed Senior Assistant Professor

Daisuke SUZUKI (Applied Cognitive Psychology, Study of Developmental Disabilities)

  Assistant Professor

Haruki Matsukawa
(Clinical Psychology, Student Counseling)

  Research Associate

Shizuka Sato (Clinical Psychology)

  Research Associate

Mari TAKAHASHI (Disability Service Education)


41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576 Japan



Center for Couseling and Disability Services:

-Counseling Office

 TEL:022-795-7833(DI)  FAX:022-795-3861  E-mail:gakuso[at]grp.tohoku.ac.jp ※[at]→@

-Disability Services Office

 TEL:022-795-7696(DI)  FAX:022-795-3861  E-mail:t-sien[at]ihe.tohoku.ac.jp ※[at]→@